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Missha Shiny BB cream Review

Sorry if it seems as if I reviewed Missha exclusively in the past few days. I just realized that I had so much unreviewed Missha product that I tried and wanted to review, but eventually forgot about. This is perhaps due to the fact that I am a little biased towards Missha. I'm a little skeptical to most popular products, and the fact that my coworkers in Korea told me that Missha is not that respected a brand made me a little unwilling to try and review the products. But now that I tried it anyway, I should share the reviews with you. 

Now on to the BB cream. I always thought of this BB cream as the little sister to Missha Watery BB cream. I think it's funny that some bloggers love Watery and hate shiny, and it's the other way around with other bloggers. I think shiny functions just as well as watery, but it's definitely for different people. 

Coverage: This offers medium sheer coverage. The color is much lighter than Missha Watery. I'd say between N20 to N25?
Finish: This is probably why the BB cream is called Shiny, the finish is SO glowy. It felt as if you mixed an illuminator with your foundation. I rarely fell that anything is too glowy since I love a glow, but this is a little over the top for me, but of course, I love natural makeup, and too much glow looks unnatural. However, I found this is really good for brightening your face after a night of little sleep (which is something beauty conscious people like me aren't supposed to do...). It doesn't make your face look like a disco ball, but it just looks not very natural. The glow photographs badly but looks fabulous in videos. A Korean coworker joked that some Japanese actresses in adult videos like to use this BB cream on their face.....and some other places...I didn't verify if it's true, but I can imagine it working well. 
Oil Control: The oil control is mediocre, not too bad, just like Watery. Around 8 hours or so. 
Spreadability: This is very spreadable, a little thicker than Missha Watery, but not by much. 
General comments: This is a pretty good BB cream that I will keep but not use for everyday. It is ideal for a night out or when you need major brightening of your skin. This is one of the few kinds of base makeup that I consider inappropriate to use in professional situations, but I'm very conservative. :)