Good Idea: Getting jazzed up with a new fiction idea.
Bad Idea: Launching the project before creating a plot line, completing research, and determining the audience for the end product.
Good Idea: Cleaning up the mass amount of junk strewn across your bedroom floor.
Bad Idea: Allowing yourself to get sidetracked with the aforementioned fiction idea after piling the same junk into "neater" piles on the floor.
Good Idea: Singing because you enjoy it.
Bad Idea: Singing when it induces coughing attacks.
Good Idea: Relaxing with a hot mug of green tea and some chocolate while watching a choice bit of anime.
Bad Idea: Doing the above when you should have been researching or cleaning. And then blogging about it.
*Dusts hands* Well, I know how to be productive, I think. Cheers to another Monday.