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My recipes for strawberry yogurt mask--with variations for different skin types

In my last post, I promised to share my recipe of strawberry yogurt mask, which replaced laneige strawberry yogurt pack for me. I am aware that there are many versions of strawberry yogurt masks online, and that it is hard to say that my version is original. So let's just say that this is my version of the recipe that I got from my mother, and later modified after asking my Korean derm for some suggestions. I have made different versions for different skin types as gifts to my cousins and friends, so I will include different recipes for dry skin, oily skin, combo skin and normal skin. However, I myself have only used the recipe for combo skin. All four recipes are considered to be good for acne-prone and sensitive skin types. Please read on for the recipes

First off, I should mention the benefits of those strawberry yogurt masks, and I will elaborate on the benefits of each variation of the masks as we go along.

Strawberry: Strawberries is a natural source of salicylic acid, which is considered to be a BHA. Salicylic acid is oil soluble, which means that it can penetrate into the pores and dissolve the gunks and clogs caused by sebum over production. This is especially good for acne-prone skin.
In addition, strawberries contain a slew of antioxidants as well as many vitamins, which should give the skin a glow after washing it off.

Yogurt: Yogurt has anti-bacterial because it contains lots of yeast, which helps dry out acne and help prevent potential acne. Yogurt is also very soothing for skin, which soothes breakouts. It has often been said that yogurt bleaches skin. This is because to some degree, the soothing abilities of yogurt repair sun damage, so if your skin is tanned from the sun, it might become a little whiter with the constant use of yogurt masks. However, I have not seen much of a difference since I'm naturally very fair and adore sunscreen so much that I do not think I have tanned from the sun.

Combination Skin:

Ingredients: two tablespoons of honey, two strawberries, and 1 cup white yogurt (I do use store bought strawberry yogurt when in a hurry, however, making your own with strawberries and plain yogurt is still recommended)

Benefits: Honey is a great humectant, which means that it helps skin retain moisture, enough though it may not moisturize a lot by itself. I think it is especially good for combination skin because it helps the skin retain moisture where it needs it the most.
Honey also has great antibacterial abilities, which is especially good for reducing acne.
In addition, honey is sticky, which I've found to be good for reducing clogged pores, because it really does stick to the gunk in the pores and bring them out

1. Mash the strawberries and blend with the plain yogurt until it turns into a beautiful pinkish color. If yours look like plain yogurt dotted with strawberries, either the strawberries are not fresh enough or you have not mashed them well enough. Keep blending until it's almost an even pink color.
2. Then I add my two tablespoons of honey into the mixture and keep blending. My mother likes to heat the honey before adding it because she believes it blends better that way. I just add the honey without heating because I'm lazy. :P
3. After blending thoroughly, I like the put the mixture in the fridge to cool it so that when I apply it, it feels cold and soothing. :)

When you feel like it (I do this after exfoliation), apply the mask onto your face, and rinse off after the mask has somewhat dried, or after 30 minutes.

Oily Skin:

Ingredients: Two eggs whites, two strawberries and 1 cup of plain yogurt.

Benefits: Eggs are very soothing for skin. For centuries in Asia, people would use the egg whites to soothe bruised and swollen skin, and puffy eyes. Egg whites also help maintain the right sebum balance in skin, which helps reduce oily skin. In addition, egg whites also help tighten skin.
Egg yolks are great for moisturization and revitalizing tired skin. However, we will not use the egg yolks in this mask. You could eat them or use them for a hand treatment like I do. I mix them with olive oil (or your choice of oil) as a mask for my hands, and seal with some thick cream like vaseline, then cover with plastic gloves.

1. Mash the strawberries and blend with the plain yogurt until it turns into a beautiful pinkish color. If yours look like plain yogurt dotted with strawberries, either the strawberries are not fresh enough or you have not mashed them well enough. Keep blending until it's almost an even pink color.
2. Then crack the eggs and pour the egg whites into a bowl. Beat the eggs until they are foamy and frothy.
3. Add the egg whites and the strawberry yogurt blend together. Blend them until even.
4. Cool in the fridge.
5. Apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes. Try not to move facial muscles during this time.

Dry Skin:

Ingredients: Two tablespoons of jojoba oil or olive oil (or your choice of an oil that does not irritate your skin. This is very different for all people. OR if you cannot stand all oils, substitute with half of a ripe avocado), two strawberries, and 1 cup of yogurt.

Benefits: Olive oils (or most oils derived from nuts) and avocados are great in their moisturizing abilities because they contain lots of essential fatty acids. In addition, they contain great antioxidants which are good for anti-aging and correcting sun-damage or damage from free radicals.

Instructions: 1. Mash the strawberries and blend with the plain yogurt until it turns into a beautiful pinkish color. If yours look like plain yogurt dotted with strawberries, either the strawberries are not fresh enough or you have not mashed them well enough. Keep blending until it's almost an even pink color.
2. Add the olive oil or your choice of oil. OR if you decided to use the avocado, mash the avocado. Blend with the strawberry yogurt mixture.
3. Cool in the fridge.
4. Apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes.

Normal Skin:
Ingredients: Two strawberries and 1 cup of yogurt.

Benefits: If you have normal skin, lucky you! This is the simplest of the masks. As stated before, both strawberries and yogurt have anti-bacterial abilities, helps unclog pores, soothes skin and prevents acne.

Instructions: 1. Mash the strawberries and blend with the plain yogurt until it turns into a beautiful pinkish color. If yours look like plain yogurt dotted with strawberries, either the strawberries are not fresh enough or you have not mashed them well enough. Keep blending until it's almost an even pink color.
2. Cool in the fridge
3. Apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes

NOTES: I have not mentioned what kind of yogurt I use. I personally use full fat plain yogurt (organic when possible)