Another whirlwind has scattered the fields around me -- and oh, how the world has realigned.
(Note to self: Regular posts keep folks updated. Info dumps are overwhelming, though entertaining.)
Updates in rapid form:
- Launched into second semester of the publishing certificate. Tackling: Business of Book Publishing, Copy editing, and Publicity. Also tackling: Novel I (aka. I will have no free time for tomfoolery, alas).
- Visited New Orleans, LA ( Jan. 27 - 30, 2011). Dad had business meetings, and I stowed away in luggage compartment. Ample tales to tell, no doubt.
- Went on -- wait for it -- A FIRST DATE. *Gasp and shock* True. I met someone from PoF, and we had an excellent time. Am hoping there will be a second date soon, but will focus on playing it cool.
- Discovered (half an hour ago!) I am attending an internship interview this Friday. Again, am focusing on playing it cool and breathing... always breathing... calm and breathing...
Apologies for the teaser post -- I have a test tomorrow, and I have a mini assignment due on Thursday which I need to get started on . Fie.
More to follow, kids.