So—epic. This semester decided to own me quite early on, and it refuses to loosen the death grip. Keeping to a three-assignment-per-week schedule has been… well, I suppose I don't need to elaborate too far on that front. I've discovered how much I loathe eight-page assignments that are only worth 7.5% of the final mark. Ahh, what a sweet kick to the teeth that one is…
BUT! Three more weeks, three more weeks. I must wade through three more weeks, and then I will be free of this latest round in schooling. Huzzah, kids!
I need the time to get back to what's important—namely gorgeous, talented women. You know the ol' schedule is tight when I don't even have time to drool. You also know the schedule's ridiculous when I can't even spare a moment for
Remember? Need a scintillating reminder?
*Whines until she can get herself to the nearest theatre—STAT*