Friday night was the 19th annual Kappa Delta All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Dinner. I was the drink girl, ha! There was an excellent turnout -- the most we've ever had! I can't wait to present our local organization with the money we've raised. We are their largest donor and this year we will be giving more than we ever have!

Saturday morning I participated in Delta Zeta's Turtle Trot, their 5k philanthropy. It was freezing but I still managed to get out of bed and meet some of my sisters. I didn't run (have I ever mentioned how much I despise running?) but I was still incredibly sore afterward. I should probably work out more often. Yeah, not happening...
Then I took a power nap and went over to my sister's house to get ready for FORMAL! It is single-handedly the best night of the year. We had a blast curling each other's hair and doing makeup but lost track of time and didn't get a group picture. Whoops!

My favorite part of the night was the band. Bands can sometimes be hit or miss but this particular band was incredible! We shagged and sang our hearts out. I definitely prefer bands to DJs because I just don't do booty dancing. No. Thank. You.

We also had our awards ceremony, something that every senior looks forward to. I was awarded KD Pearl for being the classiest KD or something like that. My favorite part was when the new members surprised me with white roses, a gift and the sweetest speech thanking me for being their pledge mom. I may have cried. A lot.

Speaking of crying, I can't believe this was my last formal. It hit me like a ton of bricks that this chapter in my life is quickly coming to an end. Joining KD was the very best decision I ever made in college. Being in a sorority isn't always easy but I can honestly say I'm a better person for it. Looking around the room at formal I couldn't help but smile seeing the strength of our sisterhood. Sisterhood something hard to explain but something you can feel in your heart and hold on to forever.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!