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Easily Ruffled

Do You Get Irritated Easily?

I just realized that Im the type of person who gets easily ruffled by the slightest of irritation. Bad mielya!
1) I get angry if people crack stupid jokes around me.
2) I get visibly disturbed if children make noise near me or outside your house.
3) If someone asks me the same question two-three times, I would snap back at him/her.
4) I would never watch a movie a second time with another group of friends if they insist.
5) I would start swearing at the cars blocking the way if I were stuck in traffic for a long time.
6) If someone talks loudly, I would glare at them.
7) My mood change daily.
8) If someone talking to me on the phone and just keeps on talking for hours, I would wait till the opposite person is done. (This is a good side of me)
9) And most of all, I GET BORED EASILY ! ^^