Things have been slow and steady since my glass workshop and Denyse Schmit workshops, mainly because I've been exhausted. I've been trying to rest and rejuvenate.
I was in two new shows in July. I've been on a creative whirlwind this year which is fabulously fabulous. I was in Young An's Kamikaze show at Post Gallery in Los Angeles. Our show was called "Nip" and my entry my I love my little Quilty Nip. It has a real binding and french knots. I also made the frame, which is a square ceramic plate.:
Quilt (3"x3" in ceramic frame) |
And then, the happening of the art world happened on July 22-23. The show is called Chain Letter and the way you got into the show is by receiving an e-mail inviting you to be in the show. You then sent the e-mail to 10 people to invite them, and so on and so on. Installation was on July 22, and I was lucky to get to the gallery early to deliver my piece AND I was number 318. The nearby freeway off ramp ended up being closed down because, naturally, practically every artist in LA was invited and everybody was trying to get to the gallery. They finally closed the entries at 1700. It was a madhouse.
Pink Hexie Quilt (2.5" x 4") with beaded half felty ball |
The line to get into the Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica:
It was nuts, be we waited in line |
The opening was on July 23 and it was crazy fun. There were food trucks, musicians and topless singers and too many lines. I did park two blocks away because I didn't want to get caught up in the traffic mess.
My quilt, tiny and almost unseen, but it's there. |
My piece, Felis Stella and Lava Thomas (a mini UCLA reunion) |
We had a blast. We saw lots of old friends, made lots of new friends and enjoyed the experience. There was also the same type of show in London, Berlin and Philadelpia. An amazing undertaking.
One of many lines |
Lava and Kim |
Another line |
Jenny Hart WorkshopJenny Hart of
Sublime Stitching has moved to LA. She is amazing and we had a great time at
The Urban Craft Center in Santa Monica for her intermediate embroidery class. A little satin stitch, a little stem stitch and a lot of demonstrations. We talked a lot and didn't get as much done as I thought we would:
So, when I try to rest, I try to organize and I read a blog that mentioned the fabric folding technique used by
The Happy Zombie, I had a revelation. I dove into my stash and three weeks later I am almost done. I've cut my storage containers in half and won't buy duplicate yardage anymore because I can see what I have. So my smaller cuts and fat quarters are folded in a cabinet:
Prety, pretty colors |
and my larger pieces of yardage are in Sterilite containers (love them):
This feels good |
I've been using the
The Fabric Organizer (small and large) to organize further and I love them.
My personal fabric store is getting very organized because of them. Maybe I'll be finished NEXT week. Phew.
Off to Kellie's baby shower. And I'm giving her an IOU for her baby's quilt. It's a special one and will be posted soon.