Forget finding the right man: what really makes a woman happy is being the right size.
Because being slim makes a woman happier than any man could !!
First of all, to begin this 'overweight issue' I need to give a proper name for overweight people, so instead of 'gemok' I prefer to call them 'big size' alryte.
So here we go.. I've seen many of people out there, I've even experienced it myself where my close friends face this EFP 'Excess Fat Problem'.. Okay seriously who wants to be fat? No ones ryte?.. If you gain weight even less than a kg you would probably go 'OMG!' for those who are super super concerned about their appearance.. But to tell the truth when we see others with EFP we would go 'Ouh Im glad there is at least someone on Earth who carry more fats than I do'.. But when these over-EFP people stated their unsatisfaction regarding the way they look, these 'OMG'-type would fake a frown and said to them 'Eyh tak da laa, U mana ada gemuk.. Ok la badan you..' Fake, fake, fake.. ! If you wear her body would you wear bikini?? Pity these girls, they want a LIFEEE too !!
And when some of these EFP-victims wear something daring, these 'OMG'-type would throw shit on her back and wondering how she would looks like in a thong.. Puhleez gimme a break.. You think your skinny skeleton body makes you look great?? I can place plates in between ur ribs babe.. ;) Mine na-ah, Im just fine ^^.. Owhyea one more thing is people always have negative perceptions on big-size people.. 'Mana tak gemuk, makan cam gajah.' Come on, they eat much because their body need more energy than you do. Let them feel heaven.. Its one of the way they get rid of their fucking stress caused by these fucking 'OMG'-type..
Im not being an angel or what but when it comes to me, I'll admit to my friends if she seems to be over the size she should be.. Don't be afraid to tell her the truth, if she asks, then answer. If she gets hurt, why bother ask??.. If you are happy with your figure, why not share the happiness with your friends. If she told you she adores your look, then lift her up (with spirit of course).. Tell her what she should do and don't.. Support her, remind her to eat less and get her to jog with you.. If you help her trust me when she get the shape she wants (at least losing some weight) you'll be way happier than her.. One is she would thinks you are a good friend, secondly she can wears what you wear.. Would it be nice?? Keep telling her she's beautiful, because beauty doesn't show from the outside, its the inside reflect what you look.. The slim body is just an extra confident booster for you to make your life way happier.. Big-size people, Im sori maybe this post is quite harsh to you guys but trust me, everyone deserve to feel pretty..
Nothing makes a women more beautiful than the belief that she is BEAUTIFUL..