I've attempted to write this post for the past month and a half now, but the domineering internal editor prevented me from following through on it. I figured I ought to just shake all that nonsense out and get to it.
So, here I am—five months later. I find it hard to believe my hiatus hovered around the half-year mark. I know, it's utter ridiculousness. To be fair to myself, I've weathered a difficult summer/fall season and I couldn't find the strength to set fingers to keyboard about any of it. I fell back into a rather dark place and tried to block out as much as possible (which, as always, only worsens the condition—ironic how that one works...)
Summer burnt me out in more senses than I anticipated. The publishing internship left me questioning my place in the field; the online publishing courses I took reinforced that iffy position; I disappeared from the face of the earth and missed out on countless summer festivals I'd wanted to attend. All that, and I have no job to show for it.
Ha, I knew this would turn into a downer post and I apologize for that. I suppose I blocked myself from writing for so long because of that reason. I have a fair number of people pissed off at me these days, and rightfully so—I don't know that I can atone for my negligence, either. Bah, foolishness. I've wanted to return to this blog so often, but I knew the writing would have been dark and dreary and very un-Moffatt of me. But I wanted to at least account for the absence, and to hopefully help ease myself back into the Blogoverse. I had a few ideas kicking around about "re-branding" the blog (re: getting a Twitter account...? I might end up updating more if that's the case), but I still need to put a touch more thought into it. Ah, rambles—maybe I'm back into a more productive mode now. Who could ask for more, right?
So, a rainy Wednesday morning filled with music from Natsume Yuujinchou ("Honoka na Kioku," to be precise) marks my return to the blogging world. I've missed you all, and I hope nothing else will take me from you kids again. :)