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Fun With Embroidery

Saturday morning was the Prints Charming embroidery workshop at Sew Modern and we had a blast.

Cath and Kristen were so much fun and so full of energy (considering their schedule).  Their fabrics are gorgeous and the samples of their print work and embroidery was very lavish.  Color, color, color.  I wish I was able to go to their print workshop at Urban Craft Center on Monday night because I need that information more than embroidery, but I'm glad I was able to work with them.  They helped me think outside of the box and to not work as tightly controlled.  And I didn't know how fun it is to embroider on linen.  Boy do I have plans for that.  I can do the screen printing on my own.  Can't wait for the results.  Until then, I have my sample of their bird (and heart) on linen to complete.  I'll post them when they are  finished.

Anyway, working on Challenge No. 4 for the Three Crazy Quilters.  50% handwork, so I'm embroidering like crazy (on wool felt), and the last two will be looser, thanks to Cath and Kristen (yay).  I'll post the new quilt when it's done.