Happiest of Hallowe'ens to all the boils and ghouls on the block! Now, while I do not have an impressive Dalek pumpkin gracing my front stoop this year, I do come bearing a Hallowe'en treat for all the sci fi children who stumble across Cute, Queer, Canadian on a regular basis.
Last night, I caught wind of two delightful Doctor Who–related videos via Twitter. Being the science fiction–minded gal that I am, I knew I had to do my part in promulgating them throughout the Blogoverse. So, without further ado, here's your special treat for All Hallow's Eve:
A Very Doctor Who Rendition of The Proclaimers' "500 Miles"
(complete with Dancing Ood Action)
A Special Doctor Who Musical: "Let's Do It!"
(starring Ten, Donna, and Captain Jack)