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Knock!Knock! Who's thre? NOBODY

Being single is pretty good. It's a nice sense of irresponsibility ;)

         Back when I was in a relationship, there were a few things I missed about being a single lady. I had been in a great relationship with myself for two months and for all the pleasures of having a boyfriend, I also missed some parts of my former life. Now that I’m Mielya Saladdin, Party of One, again, I think it’s time to celebrate the cool stuff of being single… I had just realize that there will be no more arguing, no more broken-hearted nyte, no more tears, motherfuck! There are thousand things I love of being single ! ;)

1) I can do whatever I darn well please.
2) I can have male friends without having to defend myself and explain that nothing else is going on.
3) I don't have to deal with anyone's grumpy, moody personalities.
4) I can spend as much time as I want with my family.
5) I don't have to stroke the fragile male ego, and other things.
6) I can talk to my girlfriend for hours on the phone.

7) No more askin bullshit permission ''Sweetheart, can I go out with my friend tonite?"
8) I can be happy with who I am, and who I want to be.
9) I can buy something for myself without being asked, ''What do you need that for?"
10) I can eat garlic or onions without a second thought about breath mints.
11) I can have 10hours of undisturbed sleep with the covers all to myself.
12) I don't have to worry if he will or wont call.
13) No more argument about things I cant explain.
14) No one makes a face when I bite my straw.
15) I don’t have to worry about being cheated on because there is no one to cheat!
16) I can blog and update status about whatever I want regarding my personal life and no one will ask me to explain it later.
17) Flirting without guilt.
18) Deepening friendships and making new friends with all my free time.
19) I don’t have to shower as much.
20) No one has asked me why I need so many shoes, clothes, books, magazines, or TV shows. I just do, OK?
21) No one will stop me from joggin. "You dah kurus lah you nak joggin apa lg." Hello, I want to keep in shape, not for you but for the guy after you.
22) No one will remind me of skipping prayers. Its my duty, my own resposibility.
23) No one will stop me from online after 12am. Oh dear who the hell are you to control my surfing hours?
24) No one will get mad when I skip my medicine every single night. Who the hell is suffering from tummy-pain? Me or YOU?
25) No one will said ''No diet dear". I love myself and I know what I want.
26) I don't have to worry if I didnt reply or pick up some bastard calls.
27) I can get home late.
28) I can wear ligerie to sleep without someone goes bla bla bla.
28) I don't have to worry if the parent like me or not, because your mom already got one, BANU!
29) I don't have to listen if rumors said you're hooked up with some other bitches behind my back, cause its proven.