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The Project 15 Pan: The Intro

I turned 20 almost exactly 7 months ago, and while most years I don't feel much change, this year has been very different for me.

I've become a bit more like my mom (gah..), in that I prefer to 'invest' rather than just 'purchase', and that basically means that I'd rather buy less of more expensive things that are supposed to last me longer and be better quality, than buying loads of cheap things. Does this explain my MAC & NARS purchases recently? :)

With this new theory in mind, I've decided I want to clear out some stuff in my make-up and beauty collection, to 1) make space for new investments 2) not become an OTT make-up junkie 3) save money in the long run 4) to prove to myself (and my lovely bf :P ) that I still have some self-control :P. My first attempt at this is through a Project 15 Pan.

Project Pans are projects where people choose a certain number (as I have chose 15), and do not allow themselves to buy anymore make-up until they have either 'hit pan' or have finished that many number of products. Many people make their own rules for this, and here are mine:

1) I must FINISH all products (not just 'hit pan').
2) A product will NOT count if I have to replace by purchasing
(e.g. Shampoos, foundations; i.e. I don't have a back-up that I can use. This is because my purpose is to reduce my make up, and repurchasing would just.. cancel it out.)
3) I can only include up to 5 beauty products (e.g. lotions, body wash etc.,) out of the 15.
(This is so I don't use up 10 lotions and 5 make-up products.. cuz then that's kind of Project 5 Pan.. in a way..)
4) I have several exceptions:
- I can purchase one product a month.
- I can purchase 1 limited edition item per collection (preferably stay within above exception).
- I can purchase 1 item from a brand that I can't access where I live, if I physically go to a place that sells it
(This is to make sure I have fun when I have a day out in Birmingham, London, Manchester, etc., and include brands like MAC & Sleek :))
- Nail polishes are excluded.
(Added 1/2/2010.. I never intended to count nailpolish, it never actually crossed my mind! Just wanted to add this so people know if I ever do a post on nailpolish!)

I start on January 1st, as a part of my New Year's Resolution (and also so it's easy to count how many days I've been at it :P), and hopefully be finished by my birthday on May 26th.. because it will be sad if I can't treat myself for my 21st lol.

I'll be updating you guys on each product that I finish. And because I have been very bad at keeping up with reviews, I'll accompany each used product with a review :)

I'm quite nervous actually, I'd be so disappointed in myself if I fail! Has anyone else done a Project Pan before? And how did it go? Any tips? :) Wish me luck!
