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Thank You for My 2010 :)

2010 started off with a massive downer when my boyfriend left for a 6 month study abroad programme in Hong Kong. However, we both took this opportunity to broaden our horizons, and while he was experiencing new cultures and travelling loads, I was concentrating on my studies and developed the new hobby that I was looking for - make up. My past major hobby was singing and songwriting (which you can hear here!), but it was a bit of a dead-end hobby where I felt like I've hit my peak and I was just doing it for fun.

Th biggest accomplishment by starting this hobby is my massive increase in confidence. I've found a way to express myself and an activity to improve at, and both have made me more comfortable inside and out. I got my first 'hate' comment today on YouTube and I was surprised at how unphased I was, and I am so sure that this all has a role in it. By making videos and writing blog entries, I hope I'm helping others to find the confidence that I've found in make up!

I've also developed a sense of what I like and what I look good in, and this has made me branch out into higher end products. I started off by thinking that if I want something I'll use everyday, I want it to be high quality, and then the things that I don't use that often, it's ok if it's drugstore. Then I thought about it and I was like.. Why would I even want items that I don't use that often? That being said, I still have my drugstore favourites that I will never replace (cough, Sleek, Rimmel, ELF) :).

But I do love the thought and deliberation I put into buying a specific high-end product, which in turn leads to buying the perfect product for me, and it's incredible how much use I get out of these than a 'bought-on-the-whim' drugstore item. It's hard to give that same consideration to cheaper items. This has completely flipped my make-up taste upside down. This is all embodied in my Project 15 Pan that starts in exactly 9 hours and 30 minutes..

Beyond this, I've found so many great people through YouTube and Blogger. These are the people I have learnt from the most, and I'll take this opportunity to just list some of my favourite YouTubers and Bloggers:

I also wanted to say a massive thank you to all my followers, and all the people that have taken the time to comment on my posts. It has definitely been one of the highlights of my year to see all the support I get! I've recently hit 100 on this blog, and 200 on my YouTube, and I totally have a giveaway planned for the blog-side, so keep your eyes peeled for that in the next week or so :)

Tonight for New Year's, I will be having a meal with my family, and a walk to the local shrine with my dad at 11:30PM, so we can hope for another great year and get some good luck charms and see what our fortunes are for the year :) (my mom doesn't come because she isn't superstitious and she hates the cold :P). The morning will be filled with the traditional Japanese New Year's fooooood :). A part of me wishes I could do a countdown with my friends and boyfriend somewhere hammered out of my face, but.. I love my family :)

(My lovely baby second cousin Arata, who has recently taken the 'Youngest Family Member' title from me ;P And yes, he loves my phone.. very much. Consequently, my phone is manky as hell.)
Thanks again for making this year such a different, successful and meaningful year for me! And let me know what your plans are for the countdown! :)
