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Gyaru Meme Time!

                               Name: Emilie/Emi
Location: Brighton, England
Occupation: Customer Service Advisor
Height: 161cm
Hair/Eyes: Green

First discovery of gyaru: 2005 - ahhh it was fun back then lol

Your Gyaru Style: (however many you like)
1. Agejo
2. Retro/Pop
3. Pheromone 

Your Top 5 Gyaru Model Inspirations:
1. Oosaki Himena
2. Sakurai Rina
3. Yakuwa Satomi (Satomin)
4. Muto Shizuka
5. That one with silver hair from Ranzuki LOL (I dont know her name!)

Your Top 5 Gyaru Non-model Inspirations:
1. Miyashita Mao
4. Emilia
5. Tomomi (MA*RS 109 shop staff)

Your 3 Favorite Gyaru Magazines:
1. Koakuma Ageha
2. Ranzuki
3. Betty

The Top 6 Gyaru Brands you like best:
1. MA*RS
2. Tralala
3. Ank Rouge
4. Gold's Infinity
5. Lip Service
6. Diavolo / Cecil McBee (Can't decide)

3 of Your Favorite Coordinates: (not your own)
1. Feburary 2011 was an amazing issue of Ageha. I loved practically everything in it. This MA*RS lover is no exception, I fucking love this coordinate so much.

2. Satomin's Cute retro doll winter look. (Again Feb Ageha)

3. ANY of Golds Infinity Coordinates. Even if I wouldn't wear some of the items, I adore the way they coordinate.

Your 7 Favorite Fashion Items That You Own:
1. My Mira-tan set from MA*RS
2. My Golds Infinity pink bag!
3. Those amazing PinkxBlack shoes from DreamV
4. My MA*RS bra
5. and my cute beige shoes from Ank Rouge.

Top 10 Gyaru Fashion Goals:
1. Be Gyaru for as long as possible!
2. Try to get my nails done every month.
3. Make some more friends~
4. Expand my wardrobe.
5. Help someone out with the style. (*w*)
6. More Shoes....
7. Show the British Public that they are get re-washed, seasons old trends from Japan XD
8. Expand my Lash collection
9. Get freaking more tanned!
10. Loose more weight.

Top 5 Gyaru Achievements:
1. Choosing to follow the Gal style.
2. Choosing clothes wisely now. 
3. Getting Extensions! Hooray~
4. Changing my Gal style from all those years ago. I think I have done well.
5. Gaining the confidence to wear short skirts.