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FOTD: What Do I Do With You Amber Diamond?!

A few days ago I posted about my Dior haul, and picked up what is probably the most raved-about highlighter in the blogging community - Dior Shimmer Powder in Amber Diamond 02.

Now I was going to get this baby no matter what unless it was absolute crap because I only have 1 other (not amazing) powder highlighter in my collection so it wasn't like I was using my dosh on something I already had - so I walked out of the store liking it, but not completely sure as to how I was going to use this product in the way I loved it most..

The sad thing is, I'm still not 100% sure! :(

So far, I've used it in 3 ways on my face, all with the MAC 109. I've used the lightest two shades on the left which gives a really sharp highlight that I will adore for the evening, and I've used all the colours together or the two colours on the right, both of which look invisible on my skin until light hits in, at which point it gives me a sheeny glow.. like this:

- MAC Studio Fix Fluid in NC25 mixed with Bourjois Healthymix in 56
- Bourjois Compact Powder in 73 Miel Dore
- MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NC35
- Bobbi Brown Correcter in Peach
- MAC Blush in Melba
- Rimmel Sunshimmer Bronzer in Medium Matte
- Dior Amber Diamond

- Clinique Superfine Liner for Brows in Deep Dark 03
- Dior Amber Diamond
- MaxFactor False Lash Effect Mascara in Black

- MAC Lipstick in Vegas Volt

As you can see when it hits the light (second picture), it definitely gives me cheekbones, browbones the whole shabam - but otherwise (first picture) it really doesn't show.

And as much as I could make use of the 2 ways I've found to use Amber Diamond, I feel like I want an inbetween - some cheekbone enhancing way that actually shows subtly on my skin without having to constantly stand underneath direct light because I was looking forward to using this in the winter, when I've got matte foundation/blushers and want some dimension!

 Or do I have a totally weird sense of what a highlighter is?! :P

I must say, I quite like it as an eyeshadow though, and the consistency is to die for!

So anyway, I wanted to ask all the Dior Amber Diamond ravers out there - how do you use yours day-to-day? What brushes do you use, which colours and how much do you use?

Hopefully I will have a better grasp of why other people rave about Amber Diamond after this post :) Thanks in advance :)
