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The 2011 Hallow-WOW Countdown

October is once again winding its way to a close—and with its end comes thoughts of demons, jack o' lanterns, diabetic comas, and the endless parade of saucy costumes trickling into Hallowe'en-themed shops. I chronicled the first batch of bizarre babes back in 2010 (under the apt title, "Hallow-WOW") and I thought I should continue the tradition with a new selection of stunning, sultry, and down-right suspicious costume choices for the more daring ladies on the block.

Without further ado, I present:

Miz Moffatt's 2011 Hallow-WOW Countdown

Sexy Gladiators
One part Xena, nine parts lion bait

Sexy Executives

Able to smash glass ceilings and seduce new clients with a single pout (tie optional)

Sexy Correctional Services

Proving the Big House can also be a fun one (taser optional)

Sexy Football Players
For the ladies cut from the Lingerie League

Sexy Cabbies
Cash Cab could learn a thing or two…

Sexy Skeletons
Sorry, all I can think of are "X-ray"-ted "boner" jokes, a har har…

Sexy Carebears
Brings new meaning to the "Carebear stare"

Sexy Disney Princesses

(now in Technicolor!)

Sexy Na'vis
Proof that hotness exists across humanoid species (that, and in pumps)
Oeru teya si!
(Yes, that's in Na'vi)

Sexy Remote Controls

… And you thought fights over the remote were brutal before Hallowe'en

Sexy Willy Wonkas

A gal's Golden Ticket to a sweet, sweet evening—oh yes, the Candy Gal can.

Sexy SpongeBobs…?

… and we're done.