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Accessories, accessories, accessories! :)

This weekend I accumulated quite a few accessories so I thought I'd do a bit of showing and telling :)

My scrabble necklace from Sinead - how cute is the bubbly heart?! I'm going to be honest, with a name like Yu, you can't choose if you want a 'Y' or a 'U'.. but 'Y' has hella points when it comes to scrabble.

Got 2 new charms from my boyfriend (and an Iron Man 2 DVD - YES!) - the 'LOVE' block one and the jewel one next to it after I lost a very similar one this week!

Got some tack rings from Primark - the one on the right is for a fancy dress party this Saturday. Will have pics - outrageous pics at that.
(L: £2.50, R: £2)

A tack bag to go with my tack outfit for Saturday. But can I admit something? I LOVE THIS BAG. Except for the blue fluffy thing, I dunno what's going on with that.. cutting that off.
(Primark, £8)

So yes :) Accessories weekend it was! Hope you like :)
