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Easter Weekend

Did everyone have a wonderful Easter? Easter is one of my top 3 favorite holidays. I love celebrating our Savior, it's such a joyful, glorious day. Our King is risen and ALIVE! Christmas is great, but without the cross it would just be another day. My favorite song is "In Christ Alone" and this verse always gives me chills.

"And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost it's grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ."

This weekend I was the happiest girl in the world because I finally was able to visit my boyfriend (it's been a long three months... the joy of long-distance dating!) and we had the most perfect time! Every second was jam packed and I certainly wasn't ready to leave. Who knew I'd ever be so sad to go back to the South?! (Boys will do that to you but don't you worry! I still think it's the greatest place on earth and certainly won't be leaving any time soon.)

I've been all over the USA but never been north of DC and let me tell you, I definitely felt out of place, ha! Here's a few things that I noticed: (This may just be the city I was in and I'm sure it's not the case everywhere. I'm just saying it was different than what I'm used to. Please don't take these the wrong way!)

-You can't split checks. Well you can, but you have to tell them when you sit down. The waiters still get annoyed and act like you're asking the most ridiculous request ever. Don't even think about individual checks.
-Liqueur is cheaper than beer. Bring on the Firefly! Personally, I think the South needs to catch on to this :)
-Everywhere I went, people asked me where I was from. Apparently I have quite an accent? Haha!
-I thought everyone dressed up like Southerners did for sporting events. Wrong! Not so much...

In other news, today I went and interviewed for an internship and was offered the job! I felt like such a big girl in my business suit, ha! I don't want to go into any detail about where, when, what company, etc. but I am absolutely thrilled and couldn't have wanted anything more! This is a huge opportunity and it's exactly what I want to do in the future! I am so blessed that this door was opened for me and can't wait to get my foot in the door. This whole real world thing isn't looking so bad after all!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too! Good luck with finals to all my college friends!

Have a blessed day, y'all!