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My Spring Scent - Cacharel Amor Amor :)

One of my go-to spring scents is this perfume, Amor Amor by Cacharel. I know close to 0 about perfumes - until a few months ago, I didn't realise that there was a difference between summer and winter perfumes, and day and night perfumes.. lol, whoops.

Anyway, one of my best friends is a LOT more savvy and got me this for my birthday (which is in May, so it was the perfect season - hence, more savvy than me LOL) and it was love at first.. sniff? :P

To me, the smell is very floral but fresh and kind of like a rose scent. I know absolutely nothing about tones, so I checked on the Debenham's website and this is what they describe it as:

"..a sparkling fruity floral blend that celebrates love, newly found or rediscovered, passionate. Impulsive. Electric. Notes include mandarin, blackcurrant, melati blossom, Lily of the valley, white musk and grey amber." 

HAHAHA no rose. Anyway, to a perfume noob like me, this is like jibberish, but I absolutely love it as a spring/summer time smell because it's floral but not too sweet and cloggy - I find it just right for a spring scent. Would definitely recommend checking it out if you're on the look out for something floral but fresh :)

The packaging is also super cute. Mine is 30mL and the size of a MAC lipstick - so it's perfect for on the go, and even if it doesn't have a lid, I've never had an issue with it spraying it's that sturdy. You can't see it from the pic but behind the little tube is a rose print as well :) CUUUUUTE.

What are your go-to Spring/Summer scents? :)

I love Gucci Envy Me all year round, but I'm also on the look out for a non-floral fresh scent, and so far have my eyes on Davidoff Cool Water Woman - any other suggestions? :)
