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Miz Moffatt Tumbles into 2011

2011 -- *Sparklesglitterfireworksnoisemakers!!*

So, the calendar mentioned it was January 3rd, and I had yet to make a new update regarding the shiny new year with all the shiny new potential therein. The 2010/2011 split was one of self-projection into a better world, kids. I am looking ahead and erasing the dregs of the past. Yes, I am going to scrabble with all the mettle in me to make 2011 one hell of a lot better than 2010 was on average.

I vow this now.

Ah, such epic sentiment. I blame this on the sudden, intense craving for all the sci fi literature within a ten-mile radius. I know the last entry I made on Cute, Queer, Canadian was Dec. 17th, 2010, and I swear, the time in between was flooded with space ships and time travel and steampunk and imagined worlds, etc. etc. I was a nerd. A nerd with a sweet discount at a book store for goodness gracious.

The need subsides, and I am re-awakening to the real world, now.

So, goals -- I'm in the process of compiling a list (you know, because I never ever compile a list, right?) I re-assessed the 101 in 1001 list I made back in 2009, and I've decided to scrap it. Circumstances around me have changed, and I understand now the goals I'd assigned back then are not at all useful (for the most part) when it comes to re-structuring my current life. Most of the 101 items were generated in an attempt to fill the list in the first place. And filler is killer when coupled with a list of that nature.

The end result: RE-VAMP.

Now is the sparkly time of possibilities, and I am determined to tackle those dreams NOW. I like the idea of the 1001 days, since it gives me a bit more breathing space (and since funds will not allow me to pursue everything I'd like in 2011). But it is a start, and I always like a good send-off.

More to follow on that front, of course.

For now, I leave you with the best wishes for 2011, and a high-five all around for the queer kids and the allies in this new decade.