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What's on my mind today

I stole this from my mom, I thought it would be fun! (I'm still working on my Spring Break post...)

OUTSIDE MY WINDOW... the birds are chirping and the sun is shining. Spring is on the way, finally!

I AM WEARING.... norts and a function shirt. Every sorority girl's uniform. And my pearls, I never take those off.

I AM REMEMBERING... how much my life was about to change this time 6 years ago. Maybe I'll share later.

I AM READING... Water for Elephants. And a huuuge stack of magazines! I got a little behind during midterms.

I AM HOPING... everything will fall into place after graduation. This whole being an adult thing is scary! Just an update, I decided to leave Child Life behind for now. As much as I loved the field it is insanely competitive to even get an internship. So many girls in my program haven't gotten internships for the last 2 sessions which means they do not have a diploma yet. I don't want to wait around that long, I'm ready to start living for me! The field is very limited and I don't want to have to move to Iowa just to have a job (not that there is anything wrong with Iowa, it was the first place that popped in my head, it's just a super long way from home.)

I am now cramming for the GRE, trying to secure another internship and applying to graduate school to be a school counselor. Counseling has always been something I've come back to time and time again and I can't tell you how many people have told me I was made for that. So that's the plan for now and I can't tell you how much peace I have about it now! But again, I don't know where I will be living or anything. It's all in God's hands which makes it so much better. I was considering the college in my hometown but come to find out their program is 4th in the country! Yikes! Oh well, I'll still give it my best shot and of course I'll keep you updated!

ON MY MIND... a special boy who is far away. I'm DYING to see him. I've been keeping this a secret from my blog friends for a long, long time but I just can't any more :)

FROM THE KITCHEN... well, it's pretty bare. I should probably plan my meals for the week and go to the grocery store. I've been craving summer cookout food though, like banana pudding, pecan pie, fried okra and bbq.

AROUND THE HOUSE... okay I'll be honest, it looks like a tornado just ripped through my room. I consider myself an organized person. However this is my third year crammed in my tiny house and I outgrew it a loooong time ago. This girl needs more space and a much larger closet!! And the vacuum broke. Things aren't looking too great around here haha.

PLANS FOR THE WEEK... the list is a mile long. I'll spare you! Just know that my planner looks like a crayola box exploded and there's at least 3 post-it notes attached to the page too!

ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS... I'm so excited Easter is coming up! It's one of my favorite holidays because it has so much meaning to me. Christmas is great but we would be no where without the cross.

It's your turn now! What's on your mind?!