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Goin Back to Merbok!

         The hardest part of my life happen when I was forced to pack up stuff to be sent HOMEEE!! Dat's not my home, that is neither a great place to call 'Home'.. Not at all. Merbok is killing me, studying is killing me, reading is killing, neither did understanding, and making friends. Idiot.=.=! I've been tryin so hard to get some idea bernas on how not to go back thre, obviously it didnt make sense. Enough with the 'Ouch-sakit-idea' it never works. How about 'Mama, the first week xbelajar la. Lecturer buat ice-breaking manja2 jea,' yea ryte =.='. However, there is still something about being back there keeps me aliveee, which isssss...... (drum rolling),, SHOPPINGGG!! Can't wait to buy my things to bring along thre.

Penang, I'll be back after two weeks! Wait for me!! Hugs and kisses silih berganti! Boyfriend, start counting the days!lol^^